Fighting HIV/AIDS and Poverty
Improving Education and Healthcare

Program Updates 2010

Mobile Clinics
139  Stations visited
6,802  Patients seen
36 Volunteers involved
1local Clinical Officer
1 Doctor
Covered  western province and parts of  Rift Valley

MDP( Micro-enterprise Development)
26 groups visited, attended business seminars each group comprising approximately 15 members each
6 Volunteers involved with local translators
Covered western Province


Womens Health
14 stations visited
274 women trained
11 Volunteers involved
Covered Western Province

HIV /AIDS Awareness
8 Stations visited
1,435 people trained in schools and community
4 volunteers involved
Covered Bungoma and Mumias Districts

Empower  on HIV/AIDS
18 places visited
348 people trained
7 Volunteers involved with one local translator
Covered Mumias and Bungoma District

Nutrition programme
8  places visited
429 people trained
8 Volunteers from Cornel group
Covered Mumias and Bungoma Districts

Education – Epico Academy and St. Theresa’s Kabula
11  Student Teachers from Indiana University
They served 405 children at Epico Academy and 690 Students at St. Theresa’s Kabula.